[Prev| Next| Index] 2/21/96, cprosse@edlab.cs.umass.edu, Amherst, MA USA Freedom It all started a few weeks ago when I got back to school . I have always been a little cautious of my personal rights, but being a middle class white male I have never had to worry too much. I go to a university where freedom of speech is generally not an issue on campus. We are a state school and the students are here to speak out when they wish. This changed two weeks ago when Lewis McCarthy was censored by the CS Dept. Chair David Stemple . This censorsip was rationalized away by the statement that the Computer Science dept. equiptment should only be used for computer science related work and political information is not allowwed (Lewis had created a web page that violated Germany's law by proclaiming the Holocaust did not happen). I believe the Holocaust happened in addition to all the other atrocities that humankind has commited upon itself. But I have had to come to terms that free speech must be unilateral and everybody needs to have equal access. For once we start censoring a single person, or a group of people, we leave ourselves open to censoring by the majority. I don't want to be censored. Something that seems to be left out of the debate in these pressing times is that as more information becaomes availabe on the internet, we are all (the users of the net) exposing ourselves to the scrutiny of the world. It is possible for any sufficiently large organization (or a single person if if they have enough cash) to to data mining on the internet. Personally I don't like the idea of having my every move tracked and logged on the internet, and then traceable back to me. It is impossible to lurk on the web given that servers can log all transfers, unless you are in a public lab. On usenet you are exposed, my father, and independant businessman and AOL user, has gotten repeated mailings about a service where a company will troll USENET for email addresses and sell you one giant list. God forbid if you wish to do anything the Government deems illegal. It is very easy for the government to troll alt.drugs and pull everyones name out of it, do a finger on every email and then get your home address to boot. Sure there are anonymous email gateways like anon.penet.fi, but this only covers email. What I am trying to do is create a service where you may have an account where no public information is available. That's right, no finger, w, who, users, etc (I still need to research all the ways to extract info from Un*x). There will also be no personal info stored on the machine, unless you put it there, so even the wily hacker or two wont be able to get much from the system. So in the end I am a disgruntled computer scientist, with almost no money, but the will to try and be little thorn in someones side for as long as I live. Read Noam Chomsky when you have a chance, he gives you a very different perspective on what you read in the mass media. Take a look at John Perry Barlow too. Later, Chris --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Home....